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DENTestetica - implants Kraków

What is a tooth implant?

Tooth implant/ dental implant refers to an artificial tooth root on which we can reconstruct a single tooth or multiple teeth. Its purpose is to replace the natural tooth root that the patient has lost. Dental implants are used to fill individual gaps in the dentition or as pillars for larger reconstructions, such as bridges or dentures (placed on locators or All-on-4 system)


Is it worth it?

Because dental implants act like natural teeth roots and prevent further bone loss. From the medical point of view, they are one of the best methods currently used. The main advantages of dental implants include: high comfort of use, improved quality of life, the possibility of giving up on removable dentures, no need to file down healthy teeth adjacent to the gap and aesthetic appearance.

Implant vs. Bridge – which tooth replacement method?

 When it comes to replacing missing teeth, two common methods are often recommended: a bridge or an implant. A bridge involves connecting several crowns (tooth imitations), with some attached to the patient’s natural teeth, creating pillars, and others replacing the missing teeth. To secure the bridge, it is necessary to compromise the integrity of the patient’s healthy teeth, as they need to be appropriately shaped. In the case of an implant, such a compromise is not required. The purpose of an implant is to imitate a tooth root, preventing bone loss in the area where the tooth was lost. While the initial cost of an implant may be higher compared to a bridge, in the long run, it proves to be more cost-effective for the patient.

Cost of dental implants
Implants are considered to be one of the most expensive methods of replacing missing teeth. The price of a single dental implant with a crown may indeed exceed the cost of other solutions, but implant treatment is more cost-effective in the long run. It does not require any intervention in the teeth adjacent to the missing ones. It prevents bone atrophy, which may occur after tooth loss. At the same time, each implant may serve as support for a larger prosthetic work in the future. The price of the entire treatment depends mainly on the chosen system of implantation, the condition of patient’s jawbone (which may require the need for additional procedures) and the type of prosthetic crowns.


Wszczepienie implantu zajmuje 35 minut

99,7% skuteczności integracji implantów

Zaufało nam 2500 pacjentów

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Implanty - najczęściej zadawane pytania

What is dental implant treatment?

Implant treatment involves multiple stages, each carefully planned for optimal results. It always begins with a consultation with an implantologist and radiological diagnostics. The goal is to assess the condition of the bone in the area where the implant is to be placed, as well as to gather information about the patient's health and any potential contraindications for the procedure.


The first stage of treatment involves the insertion of a titanium screw into the bone. The surface of the screw is coated with a special, highly porous substance that allows the implant to fuse permanently with the bone. Titanium is a biologically neutral material, causing no allergies and not affected by magnetic fields. Patients with implanted dental implants can safely undergo procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The process of integration of the implant with the bone lasts from 4 to 6 months. Our patients have temporary tooth or teeth fitted for this time, which gives them comfort and makes the healing process easier. This period is followed by another stage of the treatment, during which a special healing ring is placed on the implant. Its purpose is to restore the aesthetic appearance of the gum around the implant. Total gum recovery lasts 2-4 weeks. The third and last stage of the treatment involves placing an abutment and a proper prosthetic structure – a crown, a bridge or a device fixing a removable snap-on denture.


The entire implantation procedure is painless for the patient thanks to the use of local anesthesia and computer systems for anaesthesia and sedation, which is performed by an anesthetist.

Temporary teeth fitted in for the duration of implant healing process

During implant treatment at DENTestetica Kraków, we never leave our patients “without teeth”. Since we know how important it is to return to daily activities and regular functioning after the implantation procedure, we always provide our patients with provisional restorations. They offer mental and aesthetic comfort, facilitate speaking and biting, protect the implantation site and accelerate the healing process. A provisional restoration is usually prepared prior to implantation and fitted immediately after inserting the implant. Depending on the clinical situation, restorations may include temporary crowns placed on target implants or on auxiliary microimplants (little screws placed between the actual implants), acrylic bridges, fiber-reinforced composite bridges or microdentures.

Is dental implantation safe?

Dental implantation is a safe and effective method that allows for the complete reconstruction of missing teeth without the need to damage the neighboring teeth.


It is a surgical procedure that involves inserting a titanium implant into the jawbone. This means that it cannot be performed in every patient. An additional consultation with the attending physician is sometimes necessary to determine the optimal treatment plan. At DENTestetica, the safety of our patients is paramount, so we treat each case individually and with utmost care.


The effectiveness of dental implantation is 95% – 97%. Failed integration of jawbone with the implant or implant rejection occur very rarely. The risk of treatment failure largely depends on the location of the implant and the duration of treatment. For this reason, dental implantation is not recommended immediately after extraction (removal) of a tooth. It is also worth remembering that implant rejection does not completely eliminate the successful completion of the procedure. After 2 – 3 months, when the bone has healed completely, a new implant can be reintroduced into the site.


Contraindications for implantological treatment:

  • Age below 16 years (due to ongoing bone growth and development)
  • Pregnancy
  • Lack of a sufficient amount of natural bone in the planned implantation site (implantological treatment is possible after rebuilding the missing bone)
  • Smoking (slows down the healing process)
  • Excessive alcohol consumption and drug addiction (prevents periodontal healing)
  • Periodontal diseases (periodontitis) - must be treated before starting implantological treatment
  • Habitual teeth grinding -bruxism (implant treatment is possible, but with the use of relaxation splints
  • weakened immune system, difficulty in healing, blood clotting disorders, chronic steroid therapy, autoimmune systemic diseases, cancer treated with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, advanced and complicated insulin-dependent diabetes, deficiency of blood coagulation factors.

Is the treatment painless? Intravenous sedation

To improve the comfort of patients during surgery, we offer the possibility of using the so-called sedoanalgesia. By intravenous administration of drugs, the patient is placed in a sleep-like state. The procedure is not only painless, but, what is more, the patient has no memory of it. Sedoanalgesia, i.e. intravenous sedation administered by an anesthetist, is especially recommended for patients with dental fear, hypertension, and for longer and more complicated procedures.

Call us

To schedule an appointment, please call the phone number +48 887 05 05 01 or +48 887 05 05 02

Set the route

The clinic is located at Kamienna Street 21 in Krakow in the Stare Miasto district. Free parking is available for patients.

Working hours

Our clinic is open from Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 8 PM. More info here.


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